5 Easy Steps to Effective Unit Testing in MuleSoft

Oct 7, 2021, 12:00 – 1:30 AM (UTC)


Have you ever felt overwhelmed looking at a blank MUnit test? Before you reach for the MUnit test recorder, we'll walk through how to create valuable, effective unit tests that you'll thank yourself for in the future.

Virtual event

About this event

We are joined by Joshua Erney. Joshua is a MuleSoft Ambassador and has been specializing in MuleSoft products and the software integration niche for the past 4.5 years. During the meetup, Joshua will walk us through 5 steps to execute effective unit testing in MuleSoft.

Have you ever felt overwhelmed looking at a blank MUnit test? Developing the Mule flows seemed simple in comparison because all of the requirements were laid out for you. Now you're left with the task of deciding what unit tests to create, with the only requirement being a certain percentage of test coverage. Before you reach for the MUnit test recorder, we'll walk through how to create valuable, effective unit tests that you'll thank yourself for in the future.

There will be trivia with the chance to win MuleSoft vouchers.

This meetup will be recorded and posted to the Big Compass YouTube page. If you have any questions, please reach out to the Denver MuleSoft Meetup organizers:

• Brian Statkevicus, MuleSoft Practice Manager at Big Compass | brian.statkevicus@bigcompass.com

• Stephanie Lawrence, Event and Marketing Coordinator at Big Compass | stephanie.lawrence@bigcompass.com


  • Joshua Erney

    Software Integration Engineer


  • Stephanie Lawrence


    Meetup Coordinator

  • Brian Statkevicus


    Director - Delivery, MuleSoft Practice



Thursday, October 7, 2021
12:00 AM – 1:30 AM (UTC)


12:00 AMLog In & Introductions
12:15 AMPresentation Begins
1:15 AMPresentation Concludes - Q&A


  • Brian Statkevicus


    MuleSoft Practice Manager

  • Stephanie Lawrence


    Marketing & Event Coordinator


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