DataWeave - Cool Features in the NEW 2.3 and 2.4 Releases

Nov 18, 2021, 1:00 – 2:30 AM (UTC)


The Mule 4.3 (Apr 30, 2021) and Mule 4.4 (Oct 5, 2021) runtime engine releases included new releases of the DataWeave language (2.3 and 2.4, respectively). Are you taking advantage of all the new DataWeave features? Never fear, that's what we will do in this session - help introduce you to all the cool new features of these recent DataWeave releases!

Virtual event

About this event

The two Mule runtime engine releases in 2021 also included new releases of the DataWeave language.  These releases have introduced powerful (or, if you prefer, "Way Cool") functionality to the language, ranging from the convenient update() operator to the esoteric levenshteinDistance() function (calculates the Levenshtein Distance for 2 strings).

While those two new features may be helpful, you may have other requirements that you were able to implement in prior versions of DataWeave, but perhaps not as cleanly or efficiently as you wish.  Or you might not have known that a new DataWeave function exists to greatly simplify your code.  Well, this session is for you!

One of Big Compass' Lead MuleSoft Consultants, Ben Stone, will deliver a session focusing on new DataWeave 2.3 and 2.4 features, along with other DataWeave tips and tricks he has learned in his MuleSoft implementations.

He will have numerous examples and demos to reinforce the concepts he will present.

So come join us, virtually, for this important topic. After this presentation, you will understand how to best use the new features in DataWeave to more rapidly implement your MuleSoft solutions.

As always, there will be trivia questions with giveaways!

***PLEASE NOTE: In order to join this event, you must "Login" to the website. You will then be able to join. You canNOT join directly from the URL provided in the Meetup email.***


  • Ben Stone

    Big Compass

    Senior MuleSoft Consultant



Thursday, November 18, 2021
1:00 AM – 2:30 AM (UTC)


Attendees Join
Welcome and Introductions
Main presentation
Wrap-up and Next Meetups
Meetup ends


  • Brian Statkevicus


    MuleSoft Practice Manager

  • Stephanie Lawrence


    Marketing & Event Coordinator

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