Delayed Message Reprocessing - keep those objects in order!

Apr 1, 2021, 12:30 – 2:00 AM (UTC)


When synchronizing data between two systems, occasionally, data for a child object arrives at the target system slightly before the parent object creating a referential integrity error. Ideally, the child object should be resent to the target after the parent object arrives. We will show you how to implement the solution to ensure referential integrity.

Virtual event

About this event

There are occasions when synchronizing data between two systems that a child object arrives at the target system slightly before the parent object.  When this out-of-order object arrives, a referential integrity situation occurs.  How to solve it?

Tim Hanline from Mule Learning will join us to build a delayed reprocessing algorithm using queues and a scheduler.  He will point out where a developer must take special care with the queues' configuration in order to successfully reprocess errant messages on a time delay.  Tim will build this solution from scratch, with the goal of all meetup participants leaving the meetup with a working delayed reprocessing solution.

** If you wish to develop the solution during the Meetup, please have Anypoint Studio 7.x installed.  We will do our best to resolve any issues you are having via Chat.**

***PLEASE NOTE: In order to join this event, you must "Login" to the website. You will then be able to join. You can NOT join directly from the URL provided in the Meetup email.***


  • Tim Hanline

    Mule Learning



  • Brian Statkevicus


    Director - Delivery, MuleSoft Practice

  • Stephanie Lawrence


    Meetup Coordinator

  • Aaron Lieberman

    Big Compass

    Cloud Practice Manager



Thursday, April 1, 2021
12:30 AM – 2:00 AM (UTC)


12:30 AMAttendees join Meetup
12:35 AMIntroductions
12:40 AMBuilding the Delayed Message Reprocessing Solution
1:50 AMWrap up and next Meetup
2:00 AMMeetup concludes


  • Brian Statkevicus


    MuleSoft Practice Manager

  • Stephanie Lawrence


    Marketing & Event Coordinator


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