Hong Kong Virtual Meetup #19 : Batch Processing In Mulesoft

Dec 31, 2022, 4:30 – 5:30 AM

Hong Kong

We will discuss about Batch Processing in Mulesoft by Rajesh. The meetup will be held in the English language. Please RSVP and log in to join the Meetup. Finally, we will have a trivia quiz and Q&A session.

About this event

We will discuss about Batch Processing in Mulesoft by Rajesh. The meetup will be held in the English language.

Please RSVP and log in to join the Meetup. Finally, we will have a trivia quiz and Q&A session.


  • Rajesh Bavana


    Application Developer


  • Abhishek Bathwal

    Neuraflash India Pvt. Ltd.

    Principal Developer


  • Ravi Kumar Sah

    Deloitte HK


  • Salini Majumder

    MindTelligent Technology Solution

    MuleSoft Developer

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