Indy Virtual Meetup #8 -Deploying Mulesoft application to CH using GitHubAction

Apr 2, 2022, 1:00 – 2:30 AM


Deploying Mulesoft application to cloudhub using GitHub action (connected apps, server or Anypoint credentials)

About this event

Implement GitHub Action Workflows for deploying MuleSoft Application to Cloudhub

- Deploy Application to CloudHub using Anypoint Platform Credentials

- Deploy Application to CloudHub using Connected Apps

- Publish Assets to Anypoint Exchange using Anypoint Cli

- Running postman collection test cases

- Running MUnit test cases

We will configure GitHub Action workflow to execute above task


  • Jitendra Bafna


    Senior Solution Architect


  • Ikram Mohamed


    Integration Lead


  • Ameya Parab

    Indiana University

    Senior Software Engineer

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