CICD with Jenkins

Jan 6, 2023, 12:30 – 1:30 PM (UTC)


Jenkins is a platform for creating a Continuous Integration/Continuous Delivery (CI/CD) environment. The system offers many different tools, languages, and automation tasks to aid in pipeline creation when developing and deploying programs. Although Jenkins requires scripting some automation steps, the program provides a fast and robust way to systematize the software development lifecycle.

Virtual event

About this event

How do you implement CI/CD for Mule Applications? Are there any patterns you can follow? Join us for this event to learn CI/CD using Jenkins Pipelines. In this Live Presentation and Demo, we will follow the path to create a feature branch of Mule Application in Github, Open a Pull Request for Review, and then let GitHub and Jenkins do the magic to test and deploy our Mule Applications.


  • Anil Bawne

    Caelius Consulting

    Associate Solution Architect

  • Laksh Nanda

    Caelius Consulting

    Associate Solution Architect


  • Lavina Ambani

    Caelius Consulting

    VP Customer Success

  • Vikas Sharma


    Sr Consultant

  • Manpreet Sethi

    Caelius Consulting

    Sr. Manager - Project Delivery

  • Komalpreet Kaur

    Caelius Consulting

    Senior Solution Consultant

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