New Composer Feature Release: Sharing Composer flows with other users in your org

Aug 15, 2022, 6:00 – 7:00 PM (UTC)

MuleSoft Automation

Composer - Open Access Control

Virtual event

About this event

Learn about new release feature for Composer - Open Access Control with an expert with q&a!

With this new feature, composer users can now share and manage their composer flows within their Org. This will allow all composer users to see, manage (activate, deactivate) and edit (change flow details) within their Org.

This feature will also allow users to change flow ownership (for error email notifications).

This feature can be activated for existing customers through composer support. 


  • Ravi Kanitkar


    Business Systems Analyst

  • Sai Phang


    Senior Product Manager, Composer


  • Isabella Navarro


    Community Manager Composer

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