Delayed Message Reprocessing

Mar 17, 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 AM (UTC)

San Francisco

When synchronizing data between two systems, occasionally, data for a child object arrives at the target system slightly before the parent object creating a referential integrity error. Ideally, the child object should be resent to the target after the parent object arrives.

Virtual event

About this event

When synchronizing data between two systems, occasionally, data for a child object arrives at the target system slightly before the parent object creating a referential integrity error. Ideally, the child object should be resent to the target after the parent object arrives. The community at MuleLearning has developed a delayed reprocessing algorithm using queues and a scheduler. Developers must take special care with the queues' configuration to successfully reprocess errant messages on a time delay. In this session, Tim will build the error reprocessing solution from scratch so that all meetup participants can walk away with a working delayed reprocessing solution.


  • Tim Hanline


    MuleSoft Practice Lead

  • Jordan Schuetz


    Developer Advocate, MuleSoft



Wednesday, March 17, 2021
12:00 AM – 1:00 AM (UTC)


Delayed Message Reprocessing


  • Felipe Ocadiz

    Apple, Inc.

    IT Integration Engineer

  • Rajesh Nagarajan


    Integration Solution Architect

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