Delayed Message Reprocessing

Mar 17, 2021, 12:00 – 1:00 AM

San Francisco

When synchronizing data between two systems, occasionally, data for a child object arrives at the target system slightly before the parent object creating a referential integrity error. Ideally, the child object should be resent to the target after the parent object arrives.

About this event

When synchronizing data between two systems, occasionally, data for a child object arrives at the target system slightly before the parent object creating a referential integrity error. Ideally, the child object should be resent to the target after the parent object arrives. The community at MuleLearning has developed a delayed reprocessing algorithm using queues and a scheduler. Developers must take special care with the queues' configuration to successfully reprocess errant messages on a time delay. In this session, Tim will build the error reprocessing solution from scratch so that all meetup participants can walk away with a working delayed reprocessing solution.


  • Tim Hanline

    Mule Learning


  • Jordan Schuetz


    Developer Advocate, MuleSoft



Wednesday, March 17, 2021
12:00 AM – 1:00 AM UTC


Delayed Message Reprocessing


  • Felipe Ocadiz

    Apple, Inc.

    IT Integration Engineer

  • Rajesh Nagarajan


    Integration Solution Architect

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