Max’s Birthday Adventure: Pub/Sub integration within MuleSoft

Aug 8, 2024, 10:00 – 11:00 AM (UTC)


Salesforce Platform Events with Pub/Sub integration within MuleSoft

Max Bday
Virtual event

About this event

第18回目のMuleSoft Meetup Tokyoも引き続きオンライン開催となります。

開発者 / アーキテクト / ITプロフェッショナル 同士でMuleSoftのデプロイメントのナレッジや経験を共有しましょう。

今回のトピックは:Salesforce Platform Events with Pub/Sub integration within MuleSoft

Pub/Sub API サービスは近年中話題になって、各業界にどんどん使われています。今回はPub/SubやgRPCを詳しく紹介させて頂きます。

Pub/Sub API services have been gaining popularity in recent years and are increasingly being adopted across various industries. In this response, We'll provide a detailed introduction to Pub/Sub and gRPC.

Speaker Bio::


Jérôme is a seasoned Salesforce Technical and Integration Architect with over 10 years of professional experience, including more than 8 years in consulting. He's based in the French-speaking region of Switzerland.  Jérôme specializes in Salesforce technologies and has extensive expertise in Enterprise Integration. His middleware of choice is MuleSoft, but he also excels in solution design utilizing a variety of technologies such as AWS or Azure. While he's open-minded about adopting new technologies, he prioritizes return on investment (ROI) and rationalization. Jérôme holds the following MuleSoft certificates:

MuleSoft Platform Architect I

MuleSoft Developer II

MuleSoft Integration Architect I

MuleSoft Developer I


  • Alan Shen


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