Vizag Virtual Meetup #14: Universal API Management with Flex Gateway

Oct 14, 2023, 10:30 – 11:45 AM (UTC)


In this event, we are planning to cover the concept of Universal API Management with Anypoint's ultra-fast Flex gateway component. The major highlights would be the basic architecture of flex gateway along with when and where this can be a fit in the Customer Application Network Landscape. We will explore a few real-life scenarios for the Flex gateway to the audience. A quick demo would follow it

Virtual event

About this event

Agenda :

> Overall architecture and concept of Flex Gateway

> What features  Anypoint Flex Gateway offers to their customer in comparison to different API management solution, and why it has been a choice for the customer

> Use cases with Flex gateway implementation

> Demonstration on Configuring Flex Gateway in Connected Mode in 2 different flavors -

       - As a standalone Linux service, 

      - On  a customer-managed Kubernetes

> Demonstration of one sample  of Logging, monitoring, and security  options for the APIs managed by Flex Gateway

Q&A and Closure


  • Sanghamitra Chatterjee


    Senior Technical Consultant

  • Anusha Manney


    Sr. Technical Consultant


  • Ravi Tamada

    Integration Architect

  • Veera Vasantha Rao Pallapu

    Prowess Software Services

    Senior Software Engineer



Saturday, October 14, 2023
10:30 AM – 11:45 AM (UTC)


10:30 AMIntroduction
10:35 AMOverall architecture
10:40 AMAnypoint Flex Gateway Features
10:50 AMUse cases
11:05 AMConfiguring Flex Gateway
11:15 AMLogging, Monitoring and Security options
11:30 AMQ&A and Closure 


  • Rukhsar Praveen


    Mulesoft Developer

  • Ravi Tamada



  • Veera Vasantha Rao Pallapu

    Prowess Software Services


  • Kishore Yamujala

    Senior Solution Architect

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