Vizag Virtual Meetup #5: Pragmatic Analysis of "Mule 4 Batch Processing" (Age-old wine in a new Bottle)

Jun 11, 2021, 2:00 – 4:00 PM (UTC)


Topic: Pragmatic Analysis of "Mule 4 Batch Processing" (Old wine in a new Bottle) - in-depth exploration of "Mule 4 Batch Processing" - Explore the age-old "Mule 4 Batch Processing" Component, at a different angle and the right way - To discuss few important features of Batch Processing, that we forget to discuss/explain

Virtual event

About this event

Topic: Pragmatic Analysis of "Mule 4 Batch Processing"

- in-depth exploration of Mule 4 Batch Processing

- Batch is one of the Important & Core Components of the Mule iPaaS Platform. An in-depth understanding of Batch Processing is very much required. Unless and until we have a complete understanding of how Mule 4 Batch Processing is internally working, it's very difficult to resolve the real-time issues. 

- "Mule 4 Batch Processing" is not a brand new topic OR a Fancy topic to discuss now. Every "Muley" will have some/more understanding of how batch processing works. One way or other "Muleyes" might have implemented the "Mule 4 Batch Processing", But, as per my observation, "Muleyes" are understanding/explaining some parts of Batch processing in different ways, which is not the case. Even now, most experienced "Muleyes" are not in a position to correctly explain how "Mule 4 Batch Processing" works. Not knowing is better than an incorrect understanding of "Mule 4 Batch Processing". I request Senior "Muleyes" to join this meetup and let's have a healthy discussion on Batch processing.  

Please don't miss this opportunity

Target Audiences for this Meetup:

1 ) Those who are new to MluleSoft & Batch processing

2) Those who have some work experience in Batch processing

3) Senior MuleSoft Community members, who are interested to have a healthy debate and share their experience with others & share their project experience with Community  

4) Those who want to challenge the Speaker :)   


Note 1: *** Just registering for this event is not enough, please also try to join this meetup. We will try to stick to the Timings. We request the subscribed Muleyes to join the meeting on time***.

Note 2: ***Please RSVP and log in to the meetup portal ( to join the meetup on the event day. Users who are not logged in will not be able to join the meetup.***


  • Ravi Tamada


    MuleSoft Technical Architect


  • Ravi Tamada

    Integration Architect

  • Rukhsar Praveen

    Apisero Inc.

    Solution Consultant



Friday, June 11, 2021
2:00 PM – 4:00 PM (UTC)


Virtual Meetup kickoff
Topic: Pragmatic Analysis of "Mule 4 Batch Processing"
Q & A
Meetup Conclusion


  • Rukhsar Praveen


    Mulesoft Developer

  • Ravi Tamada



  • Veera Vasantha Rao Pallapu

    Prowess Software Services


  • Kishore Yamujala

    Senior Solution Architect

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