Another great Meetup in Boston, thanks to ASICS' Runkeeper!

In this Meetup we got to learn a lot about ASICS' Runkeepers' journey and challenges faced when integrating with many or their back end systems. Using MuleSoft, they were able to not only integrate, but also re-architect their approaches with new experiences and findings along the way. Talk about being agile, quick, and forward thinking.  I am looking forward to hearing all about their continued journey, new ideas and cool innovations to come. This is especially the case after Rob Conti, a Muley, presented on the roadmap of MuleSoft.  All the cool things (dates and features subject to change) on the horizon have certainly peeked the interest of many folks there.  How will companies like ASICS' Runkeeper and other take advantage of these new cool capabilities to improve their business outcomes?  We shall see...

This session was attended by folks from Higher Ed, Financial and Service industries, and a bunch of interested Runkeepers as well!  I think the icing on the cake is the pizza and drinks (and their Bevi machine) AND the MuleSoft swag!  

We hope to see you at another Meetup again.  Come back soon to check on when and where the next one will be.  

Cheers, Ron